Dr. Benjamin S. Riggan

Dr. Benjamin S. Riggan is an assistant professor with the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Previously he worked as a researcher at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory in the Networked Sensing and Fusion branch. His research interests are in biometrics, sensor data fusion, and domain adaption applications. His experience in machine learning and signal/image processing helps develop new theories in these areas. Dr. Riggan received the B.S. degree in computer engineering from N.C. State University in 2009, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from N.C. State University in 2011 and 2014, respectively. After finishing his Ph.D., he was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory's Image Processing Branch. Recently, he has received Best Paper Awards at the IEEE Winter Conference of Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2016, IEEE Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems 2016, and WACV 2018.

Kshitij Nikhal
Brennan Peace
PhD Student
Prior to joining the ECE department at UNL, I worked for TomTom developing automatic segmentation algorithms for satellite imagery. My current research interests include areas of machine learning and Computer Vision, specifically related to domain adaptation and activity recognition.
PhD Student
Prior to joining the Image+Signal Analysis lab, I received my M.S. in Electrical Engineering from UNL, where I developed algorithms for fiducial marker generation and detection, as well as animal reidentification. My research focus includes Computer Vision to simulate end-to-end models for target detection, reidentification, and tracking.
Brittany Sullivan
Vedat Can Dilaver
PhD Student
I received my B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering form UNL, where I previously studied lossless image and video compression under Prof. Khalid Sayood. My research interests includes compression of machine learning and computer vision models to support real-time analysis.
PhD Student
I received my B.S in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Middle East Technical University in Turkey. My research interests are in image and signal processing.

Jisu Kim
Zach Swanson
PhD Student
I received my B.S and M.S. in Computer Engineering from Keimyung University in South Korea. My research interests are in computer vision, pattern recognition, big data analysis using Deep Learning.
MS Student
I received my B.S. in Electrical Engineering from UNL. My research interests are in Computer Vision.

Cedric Nimpa
PhD Student (Alumni)
Prior to joining the ECE department at UNL as a PhD student, I worked in the Image+Signal Analysis Lab as an undergraduate researcher before graduating with my B.S. in Electrical Engineering. My current research interest is on machine learning, especially related to biometrics and image/signal processing.
Jennifer Hamblin
MS Student (Alumni)
I received my B.S. in Physics from UNL. Prior to joining the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, I received a NASA Space Grant Fellowship. My research interests are in multi-modal image analysis for presentation attack detection.
Ryan Karl
MS Student (Alumni)
I received my B.S. in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science from UNL. I am in involved in the local IEEE student chapter and Aerospace club on campus. My research interests are in embedded computer vision systems.
Walker Arce
MS Student (Alumni)
I received my B.S. in Electrical Engineering from UNL.
Cedric Nimpa (Fall 2019)
Ryan Karl (Summer 2021)
Paige Aberson (Fall 2022)
Orrin Wellman (Spring-Fall 2023)
Cedric Nimpa Fondje (PhD, Fall 2023) — Research Scientist, BlueHalo
Ryan Karl (MS, Fall 2023) — Ducan Aviation
Walker Arce (MS, Spring 2023)
Jennifer Hamblin (MS, May 2022)
Kshitij Nikhal (MS, May, 2021) — continued as PhD Student, 2 google internships